云顶之弈手游阵容推荐应用失败 云顶之弈手游阵容代码大全
Warriors (勇士): Strong frontline fighters, capable of dealing massive damage and absorbing a significant amount of harm. Assassins (刺客): Agile and stealthy attackers who excel at dealing critical hits and evading attacks. Mages (术士): Powerful spellcasters responsible for dishing out area-of-effect damage and providing support to teammates. Tanks (防御者): Heavily armored characters designed to absorb damage, protect teammates, and control enemy movements.云顶之弈手游阵容代码大全
战士(Warrior)- A11, C33, E44, G55 防具师(Defender)- A12, C34, E45, G56 英勇者(Heroic Warrior)- A13, C35, E46, G57 武器师(Martial Artist)- A21, C32, E43, G54 刀客(Swordsman)- A22, C33, E44, G55 战斧师(Warhammer)- A23, C34, E45, G56 法师(Mage)- A31, C42, E53, G64 附体师(Channeller)- A32, C43, E54, G65 灵魂师(Soulkeeper)- A33, C44, E55, G66 支持师(Healer)- A41, C52, E63, G74 传授师(Teacher)- A42, C53, E64, G75 医疗师(Medic)- A43, C54, E65, G76 蜥毒师(Poisoner)- A51, C62, E73, G84 刀客(Swordsman)- A52, C63, E74, G85 战刃师(Battle Scythe)- A53, C64, E75, G86 射手(Hunter)- A61, C72, E83, G94 ranged师(Ranged Assassin)- A62, C73, E84, G95 狩猎师(Tracker)- A63, C74, E85, G96 死灵师(Necromancer)- A71, C82, E93, G104 沈尸师(Soulstealer)- A72, C83, E94, G105 revenant师(Revenant)- A73, C84, E95, G106这个代码大全涵盖了云顶之弈手游中绝大多数的阵容代码,每个字符都包含大量汉字。你可以根据自己的需求和偏好选择适合的代码,以提高游戏中的表现。